Monday, February 7, 2011


There will be a blossom again...

Some Posters created to symbolize condolence & sympathy towards Japan...Hope...Pray for Japan

Save Trees. Save Environment.
The concept of the poster is how the entire ecology is dependent on the trees.If the trees survive, the animals will survive. And if we don't look after them, the entire ecology will be badly effected. The form shows a dried dragon-fly as a metaphor of our environment illustrated with dried leaves symbolizing drought, death & scarcity.

Save Environment
The message behing the poster is that the pollution is as threatfull & deadly as the nuclear explosion. The mushroom cloud is a symbol of threat , death & destruction. Adverse air & water quality can kill many organisms including humans.The cloud also represents a cut out of a tree showing threat to the nature. So control pollution, Save environment.

Save Environment Save Trees

United We Stand

Infographic Poster of Teaching & learning at Xcellon Institute of Management
The Spirit to Unite
The Spirit of Fifa

The Spirit of Fifa
The Spirit of Fifa
World Environment Day
Information on Font Futura
The Spirit of Art Noveau. The idea was to represent the Art Noveau era through its art and culture.

9.11 poster representing of a missing post card found in the Debris of WTC
Play it Dry
Don't Kill. Save Trees...
Censored - Based on the theme of editing the unappropriate scenes in Bollywood movie

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